No matter how much we play in a season, sooner or later we will likely hit a slump. Nothing may necessarily precipitate it, but suddenly, without warning, we may find ourselves in a mid-season slump. Not to worry. As slumps are common problems, there are also plenty of solutions. You just need to determine what works best for you in getting out of a mid-season slump.
Perhaps your slump is mental. Do you need a break? Step away and take a “me day”. Relax, rewind and reset. Close your eyes and visualize. Imagery not only helps athletes to regulate the anxiety they experience during competitions, but also helps athletes to stay confident, focused and mentally tough. Lastly, slow down. We are constantly going a million miles per hour. That includes our mind. Get back to your basic skills and fundamentals and take each movement step by step. Sometimes we need to slow down in order to speed up.
Perhaps your slump is physical. Are you overtraining? Muscle fatigue can certainly lead to poor habits and poor performance. Are you under-training? When it comes down to the wire, are you prepared to go the extra mile? Being tired is not in our vocabulary when we’re in season. Lastly, practice with a purpose! Spend more time working on parts of your game that you struggle with. You can work out what is ailing you and the added repetition will help you with your confidence.
Regaining confidence may be the biggest key of all!