Soon we will put the back packs away and we will fill the trunks with everything needed for the most unforgettable BLSA experience. We recently asked our BLSA alumni to create a TOP 10 list of items they cannot live without when packing for a summer at Brant Lake Sports Academy…
10. A warm blanket for the cold Adirondack nights
9. Green color war items (nail polish, face paint, tutus, socks) GO GREEN
8. Gray color war items (nail polish, face paint, tutus, socks) GO GRAY
7. Unique clothing articles for funny evening activities
6. Jax, playing cards, pick-up sticks and travel games to play with your bunk mates
5. Stationary so you can write home to your friends and family and tell them how much fun you’re having.
4. String for camp bracelets
3. A white piece of clothing to tie dye
2. A camera to capture all of the memories
- And the number one thing to bring to BLSA is…. (drum role please!) Bring your HEART, HUSTLE, FIRE, PASSION and ENERGY!