As a As a Sports Academy Senior camper, athletes have considerably more opportunity to shape their own program with choice clinic periods each morning.
- For those girls who are interested, our campers get a chance to play in frequent intercamp and local town games and tournaments in numerous sports.
- The girls have regular opportunities to socialize with the boys from down the hill at Brant Lake Camp
- Our senior girls will take one trip per summer out of camp
Age Appropriate Competition
The goal is always to further the enjoyment of a sport, improve one’s skills/understanding of the game and teach lifelong lessons among all who participate.
We realize that competitive sports can provide opportunities to teach positive lifelong lessons or conversely, they can provide a lifetime of fears and anxieties. Brant Lake Sports Academy believes that trying one’s hardest, working as a team, playing fairly, treating the opposition with respect and accepting winning and losing in a gracious manner, are positive qualities that may be honed through appropriate sports competition.